2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Mario Goomba Costume

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Mario Goomba Costume


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Photo #1 - Goomba Photo #2 - Mario and Goomba
Costume type:  Costumes for Women
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Video Game Costumes

This homemade costume for women entered our 2012 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Bonnie, the 'Mario Goomba' costume creator:

I am wearing a "goomba" costume that I made out of foam, felt and hot glue. Every year I see people dressed as Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach but never any of Mario's enemies! This was super cheap to make, I think it cost me around $15. I used those foam mattress pads for the stuffing and since I have no sewing experience, I just hot glued it all together. I had a great response from wearing this, it was a lot of fun!

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Rating: 3.7 of 5. Votes: 43

43 votes


#1 comment by Judith October 15, 2021

I love this! I want to do this, this year! Can you give me a tutorial??

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